Monday, May 11, 2009

Level Cut

I'm standing in a trench cut to level using a laser. A long measure (ruler) has a laser reciever attached to it at a height level with the laser, which enables the digger to maintain a regular level across the whole cut. I was particularly important to get this trench the right level as the rest of the cut will follow the same line. The cut is about 1.9m deep.

The contrast/brightness of the image had to be adjusted to be able to see the depth of the trench.


  1. Hi Chris.
    Nice one! I just found out about this from Imogen after i suggested it to your mum. Hope you keep it updated. I've linked to it from our blog.

  2. Thanks Oli. Hey! You need to make another post too. The last one is about the Diwali Festival in October last year! I understand if you have too much work though so no pressure :P
