Thursday, April 30, 2009


Progress on the site is set to change rapidly in the next week or so, if all goes to plan. The trees in the picture have been 'ringed-out' and are ready for splitting. We've already been splitting away with a splitter axe and have filled a whole trailer load, which is drying under the deck until next winter.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The is the first activity to appear on the site. The plans are still with the council at the moment and I've been completing a further information request form.

All went well with the felling and we should have a fair amount of firewood to last for a winter or two..or three.. after the wood has dried out. The trees have been 'ringed-out' (cut into thick slices), and soon to be split by a splitter on the back of a tractor into a more useful size.

Apparently as pines age and get taller the sap content reduces in height such that near the top of a tall pine the wood can be quite dry. This can be a serious risk, because when a strong North-westerly hits Hanmer Springs the gusts can be enough to break off large branches or even tree-tops. There is no warning as wood is brittle, and often there is little sound - until a 2 tonne trunk falls through the roof that is.